St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust

St Anne's Catholic Primary School | Pinkerton Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 6RE

0125 6464 165

School Performance Tables


Progress scores are not directly comparable between years because of changes in the distribution of scores. However, a change in progress banding, for example from 'average' to 'above average', does indicate a change in performance. This measure was first recorded in 2016.  


We are placing an emphasis on reading within St Annes, with a whole school focus rolled out in September 2020.

For more information on this, please visit our Reading page.





For information on our English curriculum, specifically writing, please visit our English page.

Alternatively you can look at the class pages for more detail on the writing happening within each class.





 To find out about our maths curriculum, including calculation policies, please visit our Maths page.