St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust

St Anne's Catholic Primary School | Pinkerton Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 6RE

0125 6464 165

RE Gallery 2022

Good Shepard Mass

Mrs Sadie and Mrs Turner had great pleasure in taking 6 of our Year 5 children to attend the annual Good Shepherd Mass at St. John's Cathedral, Portsmouth.  There were fantastic representatives for the school carrying our banner and Benita assisted in the Offertory.  It was a first time the children had been to the Cathedral and really enjoyed the day.

Crowning of Mary 

In May we held our annual Crowning of Mary.  The children processed around the school grounds saying the Hail Mary and ended in our Prayer Garden.  There they lay their flowers at the feet of our Statue of Mary.  They said prayers and spent some time in silent reflection.  We were so delighted to have received so many flower donations.  Thank you families of St. Anne's.

Remembrance Day

The children of St. Anne's marked Remembrance Day with a visit to our Unknown British Soldier.  Every class had written a prayer in honour of those that have lost their lives in any conflict around the world, which the children read out loud.


Great fun was had by all on the last day of the Spring Term as children had the opportunity to participate in an Easter Bonnet parade and Easter Garden competition.  Well done to all the entrants, all the gardens looked brilliant.

Ash Wednesday Mass

Father Chris celebrated Ash Wednesday with us this year.  It was so great to be able to do so as a whole school after the recent restrictions.  All the children were wonderful and respectful, wearing their ashes with pride all day.