St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust

St Anne's Catholic Primary School | Pinkerton Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 6RE

0125 6464 165

Freedom of Information

St Anne's Publication Scheme

For further information regarding the school and it's policies and procedures, please contact the school office.

For further information on the Freedom of Information Act please visit:

We will respond to all valid Freedom of Information Requests within 20 working days.

What makes a request valid?

To be valid under the Act, the request must:

  • be in writing. This could be a letter or email. Requests can also be made via the web, or even on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter if your public authority uses these;
  • include the requester’s real name. The Act treats all requesters alike, so you should not normally seek to verify the requester’s identity. However, you may decide to check their identity if it is clear they are using a pseudonym or if there are legitimate grounds for refusing their request and you suspect they are trying to avoid this happening, for example because their request is vexatious or repeated. Remember that a request can be made in the name of an organisation, or by one person on behalf of another, such as a solicitor on behalf of a client;
  • include an address for correspondence. This need not be the person’s residential or work address – it can be any address at which you can write to them, including a postal address or email address;
  • describe the information requested. Any genuine attempt to describe the information will be enough to trigger the Act, even if the description is unclear, or you think it is too broad or unreasonable in some way. The Act covers information not documents, so a requester does not have to ask for a specific document (although they may do so). They can, for example, ask about a specific topic and expect you to gather the relevant information to answer their enquiry. Or they might describe other features of the information (eg author, date or type of document).